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VTune Amplifier
Developer(s) Intel Developer Products
Stable release
2017 Update 2 / February 23, 2017; 3 months ago (2017-02-23)
Operating system Windows and Linux (UI only on OS X)
Type Profiler
License Proprietary, Freeware
Website software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-vtune-amplifier-xe

VTune Amplifier performance profiler is a commercial application for software performance analysis of 32 and 64-bit x86 based machines. It has both a GUI (graphical user interface) and command line and comes in versions for Linux or Microsoft Windows operating systems. An optional download lets you analyze the Windows or Linux data with a GUI on OS X. Many features work on both Intel and AMD hardware, but advanced hardware-based sampling requires an Intel-manufactured CPU.

It is available as part of Intel Parallel Studio or as a stand-alone product.

VTune Amplifier assists in various kinds of code profiling including stack sampling, thread profiling and hardware event sampling. The profiler result consists of details such as time spent in each sub routine which can be drilled down to the instruction level. The time taken by the instructions are indicative of any stalls in the pipeline during instruction execution. The tool can be also used to analyze thread and storage performance.

