VINITI Database RAS is a database provided by the All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI). The database is devoted to scientific publications. It is described as a large abstracting database. In general, it is indexed for the natural sciences, exact sciences, and technical sciences. Included in this database is AJ (Abstract Journal), indexed from 1981 to the present day.
The database is made up of published materials encompassing, conference proceedings, trade publications, thesis, periodicals, books, patents, regulatory documents, and collected scientific literature. Russian sources make up 30% of the deposited scientific works. The database produces documents that have a bibliographal description, keywords, a heading and an abstract. Primary source abstracts are mostly in Russian.
Another organizational structure of the VINITI database is its divisions into 29 thematic fragments. Also, there are over 230 editions of this database. A single Polythematic database was added in 2001, which is able to combine all the thematic fragments, except for "Mathematics". In addition, the thematic fragment, "Chemistry", is updated two times per month.
The following is a sample of the scientific literature that is deposited at the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI).