Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) (Russian: Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения – ВЦИОМ, tr. Vsyerossiǐskiǐ tsentr izučenija obščestvennogo mnenija – VTsIOM), established in 1987, known as the "All-Union Center for the Study of Public Opinion" until 1992, is the oldest polling institution in post-Soviet Russia. It is one of Russia's leading sociological and market research companies in Russia. The state-owned and government-run institution reports to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
VTsIOM is the oldest sociological company in the post-Soviet area. It was established in 1987 under the decree issued by VCSPS (All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions) and USSR State Committee of Labor as All-Union Public Opinion Research Center (in 1992 renamed the Russian Public Opinion Research Center). VTsIOM conducts “full cycle” marketing, social and political research, from instrument design and data collection to analysis and presentation of findings to the clients.
VTsIOM branch offices operate in all seven of Russia's federal districts. Besides own branches, Center has partnership agreements with significant number of local research firms. VTsIOM has its own interviewers’ network, which consists of about 5,000 people.
VTsIOM holds the status of scientific institution. Besides that, there is a scientific Expert Council functioning in the Center, which consists of renowned Russian sociologists, political scientists, marketologists, philosophers, and historians. VTsIOM holds competitions of scientific works among young researchers.
Since 2003 it has published its own journal, called Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, which is issued six times a year. Since 2009 it has been available via open Internet access (both its Archive and recent issues). The Editorial Boarl includes leading Russian sociologists (Russian Academy of Science staff, Moscow State University, Russian State Social University, Higher School of Economics, Institute for Market Research GFK-Rus staff and others). There is VTsIOM Department Chair in the Higher School of Economics that has been operating since 2008, and VTsIOM Research Center in the Russian State Social University operating since 2008.