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Utkatasana (oot-kah-TAH-sah-nah; Sanskrit: उत्कटासन; IAST: Utkaṭāsana), Chair Pose,Fierce Pose,Hazardous Pose,Lightning Bolt Pose,Wild Pose, or in Bikram Yoga, Awkward Pose, is an asana.

The name comes from the Sanskrit words utkata (उत्कट, utkaṭa) meaning "wild, frightening, above the usual, intense, gigantic, furious, or heavy", and asana (आसन) meaning "posture" or "seat".

This asana increases strength, balance and stability. The hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteal muscles, and the erector spinae muscles of the back are exercised and strengthened. The erector muscles contract isometrically to keep the normal curvature of the spine. The anterior lower leg muscles are also strengthened and developed. These include the tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus, and peroneus tertius. This group of muscles primarily extends the toes and dorsiflexes the ankle and are used for balance and stability.

Variations include:

Parivrtta Ardha Utkatasana

