Ursula Stenzel (born September 22, 1945 in Leopoldstadt, Vienna) is an Austrian politician who was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from 1996 to 2006. Until September 2015, she was a member of the Austrian People's Party. She is also a former member of the bureau of the European People's Party, and sat on the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs.
She is also chair of the delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula, a member of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, and a substitute for the Committee on Budgetary Control and the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.
Stenzel has been Bezirksvorsteherin (district mayor) of Innere Stadt, Vienna's 1st district and old town, from 2005 until she stepped down in 2015. Her successor as district mayor is Markus Figl (ÖVP).
Stenzel was born in a Catholic family of Jewish descent. Her father was engineer of the North railway, Stenzels mother was the daughter of a hazzan and granddaughter of a rabbi, both from the synagogue in the Rotensterngasse in Leopoldstadt, the second municipal disctrict of Vienna.
Stenzel has been criticised by local and national artists for her conservative positions, most notably for her outspoken support of the introduction of a closing time in Vienna's 1'st district ("Innere Stadt"). In answer to Stenzels proposal, a number of Viennese club owners and deejays created a cover version of the Duck Sauce hit single "Barbra Streisand" which also included a satirical video titled Ursula stress ned (Ursula don't stress). The single became widely popular within days and the video quickly went viral on YouTube.