The AMCI (Asociación Mexicana de Cineastas Independientes, Spanish for Mexiana Association of Independent Filmmakers) is an association promiting supporting a film school in Mexico. AMCI produces almost 150 short films a year, many showing at international festivals.
It was founded on 1993 by a group of teachers and students breaking up from the NYFA, CCC and CUEC. It has grown since to become a recognized university with strong presence in the industry. Its campus was originally built on the Magdalena Contreras borough. However, it was then moved to a new location near downtown Mexico.
AMCI aims not only to provide a comprehensive theoretical and practical cinema education, but also to exist as a business-related social networking environment and community for its students, faculty members and staff.
The AMCI currently offers different bachelor programs in Film Business, Acting and Filmmaking. The University has a reputation for trying to accredite their programs by external organisms. Some studies can be done either in the open system.
The Film Workshops were established in response to the film, television and interactive media industries' desire to develop lasting partnerships with further and higher education institutions. The Academies seek to provide an answer to industries need for fresh talent and innovation.