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Universal bundle

In mathematics, the universal bundle in the theory of fiber bundles with structure group a given topological group G, is a specific bundle over a classifying space BG, such that every bundle with the given structure group G over M is a pullback by means of a continuous map MBG.

When the definition of the classifying space takes place within the homotopy category of CW complexes, existence theorems for universal bundles arise from Brown's representability theorem.

We will first prove:

Proof. There exists an injection of G into a unitary group U(n) for n big enough. If we find EU(n) then we can take EG to be EU(n). The construction of EU(n) is given in classifying space for U(n).

The following Theorem is a corollary of the above Proposition.

Proof. On one hand, the pull-back of the bundle π : EGBG by the natural projection P ×GEGBG is the bundle P × EG. On the other hand, the pull-back of the principal G-bundle PM by the projection p : P ×GEGM is also P × EG

