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United Retail Federation

Full name United Retail Federation
Founded 1887
Office location Queensland
Country Australia

The United Retail Federation is an industrial organisation of employers and one of Australia's oldest. It traces its origins to Grocers Associations in 1887. It has exercised an influence on Australian Governments and public policy since federation.

The origins of United Retail Federation can be traced back to a meeting held 29 June 1887 at which it was proposed to establish a Grocers Association. By August of the same year the Brisbane Grocers Association had established offices in the Hunter's Treasury Buildings in George Street, Brisbane. The Committee were meeting regularly every 3rd Tuesday of the month and employed a Secretary to manage the affairs of the 'subscribers'.

The Association grew quickly and by November 1889 had become the Brisbane Traders Association - a name change brought about by the growing diversity of its 'subscribers'. The Annual Report of 17 October 1898 shows 274 names on the members roll. Prominent traders on the list of members included Allan & Stark, T.C. Beirne and Overell & Coy.

In July 1901 the Association moved to new offices in the Darragh's Building in Queen Street. By this time reports of the quarterly meetings were being printed in the Courier Mail.

In 1910 The Brisbane Trader's Association Annual Report shows several affiliated bodies covering a total of 215 firms in addition to the normal membership.

They were:-

The first issue of "The Queensland Grocer" was printed in January 1923. By this time the Association had moved to larger premises in Commerce House Adelaide Street.

The first meeting of the Queensland Grocers Association took place in the rooms of the Brisbane Traders Association on 16 July 1924 and was attended by representatives of the Brisbane Grocers Association and the Brisbane & Suburban Shopkeepers Association who, while still operating as independent bodies, formed the nucleus of the QGA.

In May 1925, the Queensland Grocers Association affiliated with the Federation of Retail Grocers Associations of Australia.

