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UK census 2011

Census 2011
England and Wales
Area England and Wales
Registrar Jil Matheson
(as National Statistician)
Census day(s) 27 March 2011
Issuing organisation ONS
Data supplier Lockheed Martin UK
Rehearsal 11 October 2009
Rehearsal Areas Lancaster, Newham, Anglesey
Census forms Household and others
1st release Jul 2012 – Nov 2012
2nd release Dec 2012 – Feb 2013
3rd release Mar 2013 – Jun 2013
4th release Jul 2013 – Oct 2013
Website [14],
Census 2011
Northern Ireland
Area Northern Ireland
Registrar T N Caven
(as Registrar General, Northern Ireland)
Census day(s) 27 March 2011
Issuing organisation NISRA
Data supplier Lockheed Martin UK
Rehearsal 11 October 2009
Rehearsal Areas Derriaghy and Moy & Benburb
Census forms Household, Individual, and others
1st release Jul 2012 – Sep 2012
2nd release Dec 2012 – Feb 2013
3rd release Mar 2013 – Jun 2013
4th release Jul 2013 – Oct 2013


Census 2011
Area Scotland
Registrar Duncan Macniven
(as Registrar General, Scotland)
Census day(s) 27 March 2011
Issuing organisation GROS, now part of NRS
Data supplier CACI
Rehearsal 29 March 2009
Rehearsal Areas west Edinburgh, Lewis and Harris
Census forms Household, and others
1st release Dec 2012 – May 2013
2nd release Summer 2013
3rd release Autumn 2013
4th release Winter 2013
Website [18],

A census of the population of the United Kingdom is taken every ten years. The 2011 census was held in all countries of the UK on 27 March 2011. It was the first UK census which could be completed online via the Internet. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is responsible for the census in England and Wales, the General Register Office for Scotland (GROS) is responsible for the census in Scotland, and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) is responsible for the census in Northern Ireland.

The Office for National Statistics is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority, a non-ministerial department formed in 2008 and which reports directly to Parliament. ONS is the UK Government's single largest statistical producer of independent statistics on the UK's economy and society, used to assist the planning and allocation of resources, policy-making and decision-making. ONS designs, manages and runs the census in England and Wales. In its capacity as the national statistics office for the United Kingdom, ONS also compiles and releases census tables for the United Kingdom when the data from England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are complete.

In the run-up to the census both the main UK political parties expressed concerns about the increasing cost and the value for money of the census, and it was suggested that the 2011 census might be the last decennial census to be taken.

The first results from the 2011 census, age and sex, and occupied households estimates for England and Wales and Northern Ireland, were released on 16 July 2012. The first results for Scotland, and the first UK-wide results, were published on 17 December 2012. More detailed and specialised data were published from 2013.

The Registrar General John Rickman conducted the first census of Great Britain's population, and was responsible for the ten-yearly reports published between 1801 and 1831. During the first 100 years of census-taking the population of England and Wales grew more than threefold, to around 32 million, and that of Scotland, where a separate census has been carried out since 1861, to about 4.5 million.

