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The International Strategic Research Organization (USAK) is an independent think-tank established in 2004. It pursues interdisciplinary studies on national and international political, economic and security issues.

Its core research areas are: international security, terrorism, international relations, Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, Caucasus, European Union, Balkans, Asia-Pacific, Americas, international law and energy.

Its central office is in Ankara, Mebusevleri. USAK currently has 30 regular experts/researchers and 8 technical employees. Moreover, the organization works with more than one hundred academicians, experts and researchers throughout Turkey and worldwide. Volunteers and part-time employees also contribute to the work of USAK.

It also offers internship and training programs. Until now, more than a thousand people from Turkey and abroad have participated in these programs.

USAK has four main components; the Academic Council, Administrative Council, Supervisory Council and the group of Honorary Members.

Prof. Dr Yusuf Ziya Özcan headed the Academic Council between 2004 and 2008. Prof. Dr. Sedat Laçiner, who is the founding president of USAK, led the organization between 2004 and 2010 and Tayyibe Gülek, the former Minister of State and Deputy Chairman of Democratic Left Party, was the Honorary President between 2004 and 2008. In June 2010, Özdem Sanberk, former Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and retired Ambassador, became President of USAK and Prof. Dr İhsan Bal became Head of the Academic Council. Prof. Dr. Kamer Kasım, Prof. Dr. Selçuk Çolakoğlu and Mehmet Tiraş are the current Vice-Presidents of the organization.

