Tutonish (also called Teutonish, Teutonik, Allteutonish, Altutonish, Alteutonik, Nu Teutonish, Niu Teutonish, or Neuteutonish) is a constructed language created by Elias Molee. He worked on it for several years before publishing it for the first time in 1901. He reformed it twice, first in 1906 and under the name N(i)u teutonish and then in 1915 under the name Alteutonik. It is known to be the first Pan-Germanic language.
In 1901 it first was proposed as an "Anglo-German unifying language", for English and Germanic languages speaking areas, not as an international language in the full sense of the word. Furthermore, Molee's work is only intended to be a zonal constructed language amongst English, Dutch, Scandinavian and German native speakers.
In creating it, Molee was clearly influenced by Giuseppe Peano but chose to create a language for people based on Germanic roots instead of Romance ones. However, he created an "inter-Romance" version of his language to be used among Romance-speaking people as well.
Molee's points to several principles his work is based on.
The ease of the suggestive action is as strong in proportion to the number of times the words and ideas have been associated in consciousness. (Herbert Spencer); All teutonic children have heard a homogeneous words arm and bone; hence armbone would be more suggestive than the Latin heterogeneours humerus.
The more mental energy required to master the words, the less mental energy is left for the ideas contained.
Language should proceed from the known to the unknown.
Language should proceed from the simple to the complex.
Inside his works Molee often reclaims that zonal constructed language strictly should be "selvklar" (self-explanatory) and homogeneous.
Tutonish had a simple phonetic pronunciation, a simple grammar based on the English grammar ("Fifteen rules") and a simple orthography, without majuscule. The "Germanic" version's vocabulary was built on roots taken from English, Dutch, German and Scandinavian languages, while the "Romance" version's vocabulary was mostly built on Latin and Romance languages.