The Tumi is a sacrificial ceremonial axe, or knife as it is most commonly referred to, distinctly characterized by a semi-circular blade, made of either bronze, copper, gold-alloy, wood, or silver alloy and is often inlayed with semi-precious stones such as lapis lazuli. Tumis are most often associated with Pre-Inca cultures in the Peruvian Coastal Region and in some cases with the Inca culture itself. The most common examples of the tumi are associated with the Peruvian cultures of the Chimor (also referred to as the Chimu, which represents the style of art from this culture), ad the Lambayeque (also known as the Sipan or Sican). In Andean mythology, the Moche, Chimu and Incas were descendants of the Sun God, Inti, who was worshiped annually with an extravagant celebration known as the Inti Raymi, which is still alluded to today in the form of the Inti Raymi Festival. The festival took place at the end of the potato and maize harvest in order to thank the Sun for the abundant crops or to ask for better crops during the next season. During this important religious ceremony, the High Priest would sacrifice a completely black or white llama. Using a tumi, he would open the animal's chest and with his hands pull out its throbbing heart, lungs and viscera, so that observing those elements he could foretell the future. Later, the animal and its parts were completely incinerated.
Other Andean cultures such as the Paracas have used the tumi for the neurological procedure of skull trepanation. Many of these operations were carefully performed, suggesting that the surgery was done for the relief of some body disturbance other than that associated with injury, perhaps an organic or mental condition. The tumi knives used in the earlier cultures of Peru, such as the Paracas, were likely different in composition than those of the later Lambayeque and Chimu, as tumis from these cultures were only functional in a symbolic ceremonial manner, to do the use of soft metals. These soft metals would not have allowed for the actual killing of animal or cutting of any kind of flesh.
Tumi knives were produced for ritual use by elite members of society which included them being used in elite burial ceremonies. On November 21, 2006, archaeologists announced that they had unearthed 22 graves in northern Peru containing pre-Inca artifacts. Among the artifacts were the first tumi knives ever discovered by archaeologists. All previous examples had been recovered from grave looters.