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Tuberhybrida Group

Begonia × tuberhybrida
Begonia x tuberhybrida 1005Pink1.JPG
Genus Begonia
Species × tuberhybrida
Cultivar group Tuberhybrida Group (or Tuberosa Group)

Tuberous begonias (Begonia × tuberhybrida Voss, also known as the Tuberhybrida Group or the Tuberosa Group) are a group of Begonia cultivars, regarded as some of the most spectacular of the genus.

One of the first hybrids produced was B. x sedenii in 1870, a cross between B. boliviensis, collected by botanist Richard Pearce and a species from the Andes. Another species from Peru, B. davisii (named after Walter Davis), was also used in early breeding.

(University of Vermont)

13 Groups

1. (S) Single—large single flowers, 4 usually flat tepals (flower part undistinguishable as sepal or petal)

2. (Fr) Frilled, Crispa—large single flowers, tepal margins frilled or ruffled

3. (Cr) Cristata, Crested—large single flowers, frilled or tufted center of tepals.

4. (N) Narcissiflora, Daffodil-flowered—large more or less double flowers, central tepals form "trumpet"

5. (C) Camellia, Camelliflora—large double flowers resembling camellias, unruffled, solid colors

6. (RC) Ruffled Camellia—camellia flowers ruffled on edges

7. (R) Rosebud, Rosiflora—large double flowers with rose bud-like center

8. (Car) Carnation, Fimbriata Plena—large double carnation-like flowers, tepals fringed on margins

9. (P) Picotee—large usually double flowers like camellias, tepals with different color on margin blending with other color

10. (M) Marginata—like Picotee only distinct non-blending line of color on margins

11. (Mar) Marmorata, Marbled—like Camellia but rose-colored, blotched or spotted with white

12. (HB) Hanging Basket, Pendula—stems trailing or pendant, large to small flowers single or double

13. (Mul) Multiflora—low, bushy, compact plants with many small single or double flowers

Other systems confusingly use binomial nomenclature to refer to flower types, by the terms Begonia grandiflora, Begonia multiflora and Begonia pendula. The last two correspond to groups 13 and 12 respectively. The first type, grandiflora (large flowered) is then subdivided by flower form, e.g. Begonia grandiflora erecta.

