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Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Peru)

The Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) (in Spanish: Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación (CVR)) (June 2001 – 28 August 2003) was established in 2001 after the fall of president Alberto Fujimori, to examine abuses committed during the 1980s and 1990s, when Peru was plagued by the worst political violence in the history of the republic. This was during the 1980–85 government of President Fernando Belaunde, Alan García's 1985–90 term, and Fujimori's 1990–2000 administration. Its work was formally concluded on August 28, 2003, when it presented its final report to President Alejandro Toledo. The Commission appointed as members many sectors of civil society, including scholars, journalists, sociologists, priests and artists.

The Commission focused on the , "forced disappearances", human rights violations, terrorist attacks, and violence against women, during the internal conflict in Peru, abuses that were committed by both the rebel groups Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso) and Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA), as well as the military of Peru. Its work encompassed holding public meetings, collecting testimonies, and making forensic investigations. It also made recommendations for reparations and institutional reforms. Its estimate of the total number of deaths caused by the rebels and government during the period was 69,280.

In the ceremony marking the end of the Commission's work, its chairman, Salomón Lerner, then president of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú said:

In its final report, the CVR identified the Shining Path as the major perpetrator of human rights violations (including torture, kidnapping, assassinations), with the Armed Forces in second place. They also noted violations by MRTA.

