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Trpimir Macan

Trpimir Macan (born August 20, 1935) is a Croatian historian and lexicographer.

He was born in Dubrovnik. He studied history in Zagreb and Sarajevo, where he graduated in 1959. In 1971 he received his Ph.D. in Zagreb with a thesis Life and work of Miho Klaić (Život i rad Miha Klaića ), which was in 1980 published as a monograph titled Miho Klaić. He worked in Metković, whence he relocated to Zagreb, and since 1965 he has been working at the Miroslav Krleža Lexicographical Institute as an editor of historical encyclopedias and lexicons. He is the serving Editor-In-Chief of the Croatian Biographical Lexicon (since 1990) and an anthology Biobibliographica (since 2003).

His scientific research deals with the history of Dubrovnik and Neretva region. He has authored a number of historical contributions to Croatian history and politicians of the 19th and 20th century (Miho Klaić, Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski, Petar Preradović, Stjepan Radić). He edited Povijest Hrvata od najstarijih vremena do svršetka XIX stoljeća ("History of Croats from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century"; multiple editions since 1972) by Vjekoslav Klaić, Pregled povijesti hrvatskog naroda ("Review of Croatian history"; 1975) by Ferdo Šišić, Sjećanja ("Memoirs"; 1995) by Zvonimir Vrkljan, Moj životopis (" My biography"; 1996) by Tias Mortigjija, and an anthology Hrvatska i održivi razvitak: humane i odgojne vrednote ("Croatia and sustainable development: the human and educational values"; 1999).

