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Treponema isoptericolens

Treponema isoptericolens
Scientific classification
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Spirochaetes
Class: Spirochaetes
Order: Spirochaetales
Family: Spirochaetaceae
Genus: Treponema
Species: T. isoptericolens
Binomial name
Treponema isoptericolens
Dröge et al. 2008

Treponema isoptericolens is a spirochaete from the hindgut of the termite Incisitermes tabogae. Its cells are motile, helical in shape, 0.4–0.5 μm in diameter and generally 12–20 μm long; it is obligately anaerobic, with type strain SPIT5T (=DSM 18056T =JCM 13955T).

