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Treponema pallidum 01.png
Treponema pallidum spirochaetes.
Scientific classification
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Spirochaetes
Class: Spirochaetes
Order: Spirochaetales
Family: Spirochaetaceae
Genus: Treponema
Schaudinn 1905 emend. Abt, Göker & Klenk 2013
  • "Spironema" Vuillemin 1905 non Klebs 1892 non Leger & Hesse 1922 non Rafinesque 1838 non Hochst. 1842 non Lindley 1840 non Meek 1864
  • "Microspironema" Stiles & Pfender 1905

Treponema is a genus of spiral-shaped bacteria. The major treponeme species of human pathogens is Treponema pallidum, whose subspecies are responsible for diseases such as syphilis, bejel, and yaws. Treponema carateum is the cause of pinta.Treponema paraluiscuniculi is associated with syphilis in rabbits.

The phylogeny is based on 16S rRNA-based LTP release 123 by 'The All-Species Living Tree' Project.

T. caldarium (Pohlschroeder et al. 1995) Abt, Göker & Klenk 2013

T. stenostreptum (Zuelzer 1912) Abt, Göker & Klenk 2013

T. isoptericolens Dröge et al. 2008

T. azotonutricium Graber et al. 2004

T. primitia Graber et al. 2004

T. zuelzerae (ex Veldkamp 1960) Canale-Parola 1980 emend. Abt, Göker & Klenk 2013

T. m. bovisEvans et al. 2006

T. m. mediumUmemoto et al. 1997

T. pedis Evans et al. 2009

T. denticola (ex Flügge 1886) Chan et al. 1993

T. putidum Wyss et al. 2004

T. lecithinolyticum Wyss et al. 1999

T. maltophilum Wyss et al. 1996

T. brennaborense Schrank et al. 1999

T. saccharophilum Paster and Canale-Parola 1986

