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In some cultures, most particularly in South America, a travesti is a person who has been assigned male at birth and who has a feminine, transfeminine or "femme" gender identity and is connected to a local socio-political identity.

Travestis have been described as a third gender, but not all see themselves this way. By the mid-2010s, a majority of South American trans social movements and activism tend to acknowledge travesti as both a possible gender identity, and a possible socio-political identifier adopted by those who identify as women but were assigned male at birth. Those who know of and acknowledge non-binary genders also tend to see travesti as a possible all-encompassing label for all "femme" people born male whose gender identity is not male, including those whose actual gender identities might not be recognised as valid by society at large

"Travesti" was initially a pejorative term, with the same connotation its cognates in other European languages have, but has been "reclaimed" by Argentinian and Peruvian travesti activists. This move also had anti-colonial undertones, as it was already recognized by some at that point that in pre-Columbian American societies and in pre-slavery Africa, a third gender was socially recognised (e.g. Muxe, Two-Spirits, Cogender), until they were supplanted by the dominant Western views on gender (in which both alternative gender expressions and those adopting them were then classified as deviant) to the death penalty in some cases.

Travestis emerged as a distinct social group in the 1970s.

Travestis' feminine gender expression typically includes feminine dress, language, and social roles. Travestis may modify their bodies with industrial silicone injections, breast implants, or estrogen- and/or progesterone-based hormone therapy. Liquid silicone became popular among South American travestis in the 1980s.

