Clinch fighting is the part of stand-up fighting where the combatants are grappling in a clinch, typically using clinch holds. Clinching the opponent can be used to eliminate the opponent's effective usage of some kicks, punches, and mêlée weapons. The clinch can also be used as a medium to switch from stand-up fighting to ground fighting by using takedowns, throws or sweeps.
Clinch fighting is emphasized in Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, catch wrestling, shoot wrestling, shoot boxing, judo, mixed martial arts, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Sanshou, Muay Thai, Lethwei, Kun Khmer, kampfringen, sambo, sumo, pehlwani and vajra-mushti.
Clinch fighting is the primary focus of many combat sports such as Judo and it is also a fundamental part of Amateur Wrestling, Sambo, Muay Thai, Lethwei and Mixed martial arts. The nature of the clinch is fighting in each sport depends on the rules involved. Muay Thai put much emphasis on strikes from the clinch, while Judo focuses on throws. The rule common to all these forms is the allowance for the grappling necessary to form a clinch. Others combat sports like Boxing or Taekwondo only allow clinching for a short time or do not allow it at all. If clinching is disallowed, the clinching fighter will be issued a warning, or the referee will restart the fight from a distance.