The Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos de Macau (TCM) is one of the bus operators in Macau, China. Transmac and New Era being the others.
The company began as a ferry operator in the 1950s, and did not enter bus operations until 1974, when a bridge connecting the mainland with Macau and Taipa (Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho) was finished.
In late 2009, TCM was disqualified from a tender to operate public bus services from late 2010, as it was "four minutes late" in submitting its tender proposal on the tendering deadline. After several months of negotiation, TCM was awarded one of five batches of routes for operation since August 2011.
This is a full list of TCM's routes in Macau:
(Extend to Hac Sa Beach between 1 June and 31 August every year)