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Main isotopes of tin
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life mode energy (MeV) pro­duct
112Sn 0.97% is stable with 62 neutrons
114Sn 0.66% is stable with 64 neutrons
115Sn 0.34% is stable with 65 neutrons
116Sn 14.54% is stable with 66 neutrons
117Sn 7.68% is stable with 67 neutrons
118Sn 24.22% is stable with 68 neutrons
119Sn 8.59% is stable with 69 neutrons
120Sn 32.58% is stable with 70 neutrons
122Sn 4.63% is stable with 72 neutrons
124Sn 5.79% is stable with 74 neutrons
126Sn trace 2.3×105 y β 0.378 126Sb
Standard atomic weight (Ar)
  • 118.710(7)

Tin (50Sn) is the element with the greatest number of stable isotopes (ten; three of them are potentially radioactive but have not been observed to decay), which is probably related to the fact that 50 is a "magic number" of protons. 29 additional unstable isotopes are known, including the "doubly magic" tin-100 (100Sn) (discovered in 1994) and tin-132 (132Sn). The longest-lived radioisotope is 126Sn, with a half-life of 230,000 years. The other 28 radioisotopes have half-lives less than a year.

Tin-121m is a radioisotope and nuclear isomer of tin with a half-life of 43.9 years.

In a normal thermal reactor, it has a very low fission product yield; thus, this isotope is not a significant contributor to nuclear waste. Fast fission or fission of some heavier actinides will produce 121mSn at higher yields. For example, its yield from U-235 is 0.0007% per thermal fission and 0.002% per fast fission.

Tin-126 is a radioisotope of tin and one of only 7 long-lived fission products. While tin-126's halflife of 230,000 years translates to a low specific activity that limits its radioactive hazard, its short-lived decay product, antimony-126, emits high-energy gamma radiation, making external exposure to tin-126 a potential concern.

126Sn is in the middle of the mass range for fission products. Thermal reactors, which make up almost all current nuclear power plants, produce it at a very low yield (0.056% for 235U), since slow neutrons almost always fission 235U or 239Pu into unequal halves. Fast fission in a fast reactor or nuclear weapon, or fission of some heavy minor actinides like californium, will produce it at higher yields.

