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Tiliqua scincoides

Tiliqua scincoides
Tiliqua scincoides tongue.jpg
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Family: Scincidae
Genus: Tiliqua
Species: T. scincoides
Binomial name
Tiliqua scincoides
(White, 1790)

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3, see text

Tiliqua scincoides (Common blue-tongued skink,common bluetongue) is a species of skink in the genus Tiliqua. It is native to Australia as well as to the Tanimbar and Babar Islands in the Maluku Province of Indonesia.

There are three subspecies:

This is a large terrestrial lizard measuring up to 40 centimetres long and 700 grams in mass. It has a stout body and short legs. It is variable in color but generally has a banded pattern. The tongue is blue-violet to cobalt blue in color.

This lizard is diurnal, active during the day. It is omnivorous. It is ovoviviparous, the eggs hatching inside the female's body; she then gives birth to 5 to 25 live young per litter. This species is known to live over 30 years. It is an adaptable animal, often finding habitat in urban and suburban areas, including residential areas of Sydney. The lizard is considered beneficial in these areas, with its appetite for garden pests such as slugs and snails.

When threatened it may hiss and reveal its blue tongue, startling potential predators. It has strong jaws and can deliver a damaging bite.

