Thieboudienne, ceebu jen, or thiéboudiène is a traditional dish from Senegal. It is made from fish, rice and tomato sauce. Other ingredients often include onions, carrots, cabbage, cassava and peanut oil. These ingredients are common in the country. The name of the dish comes from Wolof words meaning "rice" (ceeb) and "fish" (jën).
The American Southern dish Savannah red rice resembles thieboudienne, suggesting a Creolization of the dish from West Africa to the New World.
Other renderings of the name include: ceebu jen, cee bu jen, ceeb u jen, thebouidienne, theibou dienn, thiebou dienn, thiebou dinne, thiébou dieune, tíe biou dienne, thieb-ou-djien, thiebu djen or riz au poisson.