The Secret War was a seven–part television series produced by the BBC in conjunction with the Imperial War Museum documenting various technical developments during the Second World War. It was aired during 1977 and presented by William Woollard. The programme opening music was an excerpt from Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition. The closing music was by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. The 'seventh' episode (The Battle of the Atlantic) often included with video versions of the series was not part of the original series but produced separately.
This episode documented how British Intelligence became aware of various German Luftwaffe Navigation Beams, such as Knickebein, X Gerat and Y Gerat, and the countermeasures developed to combat them, in what became known as the Battle of the Beams. It is largely based on the book Most Secret War written by R.V. Jones who features heavily in the series. This programme contains rare footage of The Blitz including the bombing of Coventry. Interviewees include Albert Speer and AVM Edward Addison.
Covers the development of radar from its first discovery to the creation of the Chain Home system in time for the Battle of Britain, and the subsequent development of the cavity magnetron.