The Reppies was an American educational musical show for children created by Northstar Entertainment along with Treat Entertainment, which formed Reppies Entertainment Inc, L.L.C. The series centers around a group of human-like reptile creatures that sing in a music group and was produced by WEDU Television in Tampa, Florida. Each episode featured three original songs produced by Rick Tell. Twenty six half hour episodes and one hour long holiday special were originally created in 1996 and aired on public television. Thirteen of the episodes were later re-dubbed with Christian-oriented messages and moved to Trinity Broadcasting Network and the Christian Television Network. Originally created by Wendy Harrison from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, along with the father son team of Pat and Steve McGonigle of Northstar Entertainment. Smokey Knudson was the series producer and Brian McBride as executive in charge of production for the entire series run. Bruce Foulke was the Music Supervisor for the series. A revival of the series is set for a 2017 launch.