The Mike Bullard Show was a Canadian late-night talk show which aired weeknights at 12:05 AM on Global from November 24, 2003 to March 11, 2004. The show was hosted by comedian Mike Bullard and taped at the Global Theatre in Toronto, Ontario. The show's executive producers were David Asper, and, from December onward, Dave Rosen.
The short lived show maintained almost exactly the same format as Bullard's previous successful show, Open Mike with Mike Bullard, which had ended its six-year run only five months earlier. Despite this, The Mike Bullard Show was a ratings disaster. On average, the programme lost more than 50% of the audience that Open Mike had averaged in its final season, and was cancelled after 12 weeks.
Mike Bullard's contract with CTV expired shortly after completing his sixth season of Open Mike with Mike Bullard, at which time he began talks with Global to move his show to their network.
In August 2003, he signed a multi-year deal with Global to host a new show on their network that would be similar to Open Mike. The new deal would see 195 episodes produced per year, compared to 140 per year at CTV. The move was widely publicized, with all CanWest-owned newspapers placing the news on the front page. Commercials aired on Global in the late summer/early fall encouraging viewers to watch for Bullard's show later in 2003.
In the meantime, CTV added American news satire import The Daily Show to its lineup to replace Open Mike.
The Mike Bullard Show debuted on November 24, 2003, five months after Bullard left CTV. The new show was taped at the newly renovated Global Theatre in Toronto, Ontario. The set was different as well, notably the colour scheme (red, black) in comparison to that of the Open Mike set and the three large plasma television screens. However, aside from the change of network, theatre, set and name, The Mike Bullard Show was nearly identical to the format of the previous season of Open Mike.