"The Little Shoemaker" is a popular song based on the French song, "Le petit cordonnier," by Rudi Revil. The original French lyric was written by (page in French). The English language lyrics were written by Geoffrey Claremont Parsons, Nathan Korb (Francis Lemarque) and John Turner.
In the United States, the best-selling version was recorded by the Gaylords, charting in 1954. In the United Kingdom, the song was the first charted hit for Petula Clark the same year.
The recording by the Gaylords, with the chorus sung in both English and Italian, was released by Mercury Records as catalog number 70403. It first reached the Billboard magazine Best Seller chart on June 23, 1954, and lasted 19 weeks on the chart, peaking at #2.
The recording by the Hugo Winterhalter orchestra on May 25, 1954, was released by RCA Victor Records as catalog number 20-5769. It first reached the Billboard magazine Best Seller chart on July 7, 1954, and lasted 11 weeks on the chart, peaking at #9. The flip side of this recording, "The Magic Tango," also charted, reaching #25. Eddie Fisher provided the vocal but was credited on the label only as "a friend"!
The song has also been recorded by Rosemary Clooney on July 9, 1954, singing a French-language version of the chorus as well as the English-language chorus.