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The Leprechaun (Leprechaun series)

Leprechaun (film series)
The Leprechaun as depicted on the cover of the DVD box Leprechaun Pot of Gore Collection
Created by Mark Jones
Original work Leprechaun (1993)
Films and television
Film(s) List of films

Leprechaun is a series of horror comedy films consisting of seven films. Beginning with 1993's Leprechaun (filmed in 1991) the series centers on a malevolent and murderous leprechaun named "Lubdan" (although he never reveals his name), who, when his gold is taken from him, resorts to any means necessary to reclaim it. None of the series are in chronological order. English actor Warwick Davis plays the title role in every film except for the reboot, Leprechaun: Origins. In the reboot, Dylan "Hornswoggle" Postl, of WWE fame, portrays Lubdan.

The first two films were theatrically released. After a disappointing gross from Leprechaun 2, Vidmark released Leprechaun 3 direct-to-video. The following sequels were all direct-to-video.

Leprechaun: Origins (2014) In this "prequel", it introduces a new leprechaun when a group of teens go to Ireland, where a friendly man tells the history of the village and of its violence. They must fight the Leprechaun if they hope to get out alive.

In the original Leprechaun (1993), Daniel O'Grady (Shay Duffin) captures the Leprechaun (Warwick Davis) while in Ireland, takes his gold and smuggles it back to his home in North Dakota, unaware the Leprechaun has followed him. Confronting O'Grady and demanding his gold the Leprechaun is injured by O'Grady and sealed in a crate with a four-leaf clover, though before O'Grady can kill the creature he suffers a stroke. Ten years later the Leprechaun is accidentally released by Tory Redding (a then-unknown Jennifer Aniston) and her new friends, and goes on a killing spree in search of his gold, which Alex Murphy (Robert Gorman) and Ozzie (Mark Holton) had discovered. After the Leprechaun reclaims the bulk of his gold he is defeated when Alex shoots a four-leaf clover down his throat with a slingshot and Alex's older brother Nathan (Ken Olandt) blows up the well the Leprechaun falls into.

