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The Lady Tomorrow

The Mediocre show
Genre Hot talk, Comedy, "Fake" Talk Radio
Running time 2.5 hours, Wednesdays, 8 PM eastern
Country of origin United States
Home station Mediocre Radio Network
Starring Eric Tomorrow
Mike Pilot
The Lady Tomorrow
Produced by Eric Tomorrow
Original release 2005 – present
No. of episodes 440
Opening theme "Midwestern Rube" by Top Dead Celebrity
Website MediocreShow.com

The Mediocre Show is an independent American fake talk radio broadcast, created by Eric Tomorrow, since 2005. It has a network of family, personal friends, and listeners on whom Eric relies for content via regular appearances on the show.

Currently the hosts are Troy, The Lady Tomorrow and Eric Tomorrow. The show is no longer broadcast live for about two hours at mediocreradionetwork.com on Wednesdays at 8 pm EST. Instead, the show is now pre-recorded, edited and played back later. Since its inception, the show has had over two million downloads, in over 120 countries. Listeners can subscribe to the podcast through the iTunes Store or at the show's website. The podcast is currently on the first page of Comedy Audio Podcasts in the iTunes Store and has been listed both there and the Comedy Top 100 since 2006.

Explicit language and mature topics are common. The two-hour (average) program has several recurring features, including dating/relationship counseling by Hope (The Lady Tomorrow), discussions, toasts, cable dating, love/hates, MySpace music selections.

During the live broadcast, listeners are invited to call in to the live line or leave voicemails. The show also maintains forums on its website and a Facebook page. Listeners are able to financially support the show via the Scorpions of Support program. While "donation" requests tend to elicit controversy, Eric addressed this via the following:

'The Mediocre Show will ALWAYS BE FREE to the listeners. I, Eric Tomorrow, promise you that. This subscription is for people who wish to help out the show with some of the monthly costs associated with doing the Mediocre Show. This is not something that is required, and if you choose to not use the subscription service, you will not miss out on the show."

The Mediocre Show started in the late summer of 2005, as a way for Eric Tomorrow to promote his upstart BMX clothing line, Mediocre Clothing. After recording the first episode by himself with Apple GarageBand, Eric decided he needed a full-time co-host, so asked his friend Taylor Ramsauer to join him for episode 3. The partnership continued through episode 107 after which Taylor left the show to tour with bands such as Napalm Death and 36 Crazyfists. Following his departure Matt Kittensparks joined the show after being on a few episodes as a guest.

In episode 216, Eric brought a faux radio consultant on the show to find ways to improve the listener base of the show, as well as quality. Over the course of episodes 216 and 217, Matt removed himself from the show, citing privacy-related concerns. Eric continued doing a few episode with random guests, including The Lady Tomorrow, Travis, Nate the Beard, and Tha Mike (a.k.a. Mike Pilot). When Mike hosted, Eric offered him the open co-host chair. Having just left his former podcast, The Awful Show, Mike accepted the position.

