'Telangana Language Day' is celebrated on 9 September every year in Telangana, India. This date was chosen on the occasion of renowned writer, poet of the Telangana Kaloji Narayana Rao's 100th birth anniversary. The Government of Telangana provides funds and awards for betterment of Telangana.
The Department of Culture will organise the day on behalf of The Telangana Government. Late. Shri Kaloji Narayana Rao, who belonged to Warangal district wrote so many poems, stories, novel for common man’s existence. Kaloji Narayana Rao’s “Naa Godava” is the famous one among all his writings.
'Who was Kaloji Narayana Rao?'
Kaloji Narayana Rao (9 September 1914(Madikonda) – 13 November 2002(Warangal) Spouse: Rukmini Bai Awards: Padma Vibhushan
He was more popularly known as Kaloji or Kalanna. He was an Indian poet, freedom fighter, Anti-fascist and political activist of Telangana. He was a prolific writer and poet in Telugu, Urdu, Hindi, and Marathi. He is also respected as a political activist who staunchly opposed the feudal attitude of Nizams. He was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 1992.
Kaloji completed his primary education in Madikonda and higher education in Warangal and Hyderabad.
During his student days and later, he was deeply influenced by the popular movements of the time like the Arya Samaj Movement, especially the civil rights part of it, the Library Movement and the Andhra Maha Sabha Movement.
Kaloji participated in Andhra Maha Sabha activities since its formation in 1934. He was also associated with the Arya Samaj.
He actively participated in the freedom movement of the erstwhile Hyderabad State and underwent imprisonment under the Nizam. He has also participated in various social, political and literary activities in Andhra Pradesh. His active involvement with the masses and their problems and his tireless struggle for their emancipation have naturally earned him in equal measure the love of the people and the wrath of the powers that be. He is one of those select freedom fighters of our country who were imprisoned by the feudal lords and the alien rulers before the attainment of Indian Independence and by the native leaders thereafter.
Kaloji has been at the forefront of all the significant struggles that make up the history of the erstwhile Hyderabad State.He was part of Satyagraha movement, the Osmania University Student Vandemataram movement, Arya Samaj, State Congress, Andhra Mahasabha(Telenagana) and Anti-Razakar movements.
He has consistently fought for the democratic and responsible government. His commitment to human rights made him an active member of the Tarkunde Committee. Although opposed to power and the trapping of office Kaloji looked upon elections as a democratic exercise. He contested thrice and once got elected as a member of the legislative council. His most significant contest was in 1977 against Vengal Rao then Chief Minister who symbolised the ’emergency’ rule in Andhra Pradesh.