Tel Faher (or Golani Lookout) is a former Syrian outpost in the Golan Heights that has been occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War in 1967.
Tel Faher was the site of an intense battle between the Israel Defense Forces and the Syrians which ended in the conquest of the outpost by the Golani Brigade. Tel Faher is now a park commemorating those who died in the battle.
The Israel-Syria front remained relatively quiet during the first four days of the Six-Day War, despite the fact that Syria's air force had been destroyed on the first day. Syria's response was the shelling of the Israeli settlements of Upper Galilee from the Golan Heights as they had done for years. Two Syrian artillery battalions with M46 Soviet 130mm guns and two companies with heavy mortars and dug-in German World War II Panzer IV tanks were positioned along the Golan escarpment.
In 1976, Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan said that Israel provoked more than 80% of the clashes with Syria. Jan Mühren, a former UN observer in the area at the time, told a Dutch current affairs programme that Israel provoked the majority of the border incidents with Syria, to annex more land.
Israel suffered the loss of 2 civilians and 16 more wounded. The Syrian army also hit 205 houses, 2 tractor sheds, 6 barns, 30 tractors, 15 cars and 9 chicken coops in the first four days.
On June 6, Syria launched three attacks against Israeli positions: at Tel Dan, Kibbutz Dan and the village of She'ar Yashuv two kilometers inside Israeli territory. The attacks probably never had the purpose of capturing ground and were easily repulsed. However, a Syrian artillery observation officer reported "The enemy appears to have suffered heavy losses and is retreating."