Robert Theodore Ammon (August 30, 1949 – October 20, 2001) was a high-profile American financier and investment banker. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Ammon was murdered in 2001 by Daniel Pelosi, a companion of Ammon's estranged wife. He left a widow, Generosa Ammon, whom he had married on February 2, 1986, and two children: twins Greg Ammon and Alexa Ammon, who had been adopted from the village of Medvedivtsi in the Mukachevo Region of Ukraine in October 1992.
At the time of his murder, Ted and Generosa Ammon were near finalization of their divorce. The custody agreement had been signed on October 18, 2001, and the divorce agreement/judgment was expected to be consented to the following week. After Ammon's death, Generosa Ammon married Daniel Pelosi; she died of cancer on August 22, 2003.
After the Ammons moved back to the United States, he secured a position with Lord, Day and Lord. He subsequently went to work at the prominent law firm of Mayer, Brown and Platt. One of this firm’s clients was the then small investment firm of Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. (KKR). In 1983, following his legal work on a KKR deal (and his divorce from his first wife), Ammon was recruited by the private equity firm, which specialized in leveraged buyouts. Ammon served as an Associate at Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. from 1984 to 1989 and as a General Partner from 1990 to 1992. He worked on many deals, notably the famous $31 billion RJ Reynolds/Nabisco takeover. He joined his colleagues in becoming a multimillionaire and was quoted numerous times in the book Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco. According to Russ Baker in the May 2002 issue of Gotham, “He was along for the wild ride as KKR grew into one of Wall Street’s most aggressive and storied leveraged buyout outfits.”
In 1992, Ammon left KKR in order to establish his own company, Big Flower Press. The firm became a leader in the printing of advertising inserts for newspapers. Ammon’s goal was to create relationships with newspapers nationwide and then to provide them with other needed commodities. Big Flower was later renamed Vertis Holdings, Inc. Through more than thirty acquisitions, the firm diversified geographically and became a leading international supplier of integrated marketing services, including high-value printing, advertising, and imaging technology.