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Tawny-throated leaftosser

Tawny-throated leaftosser
Tawny-throated Leaftosser.jpg
Sclerurus (mexicanus) obscurior at Tandayapa Bird Lodge, NW Ecuador
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Furnariidae
Subfamily: Sclerurinae
Genus: Sclerurus
Species: S. mexicanus
Binomial name
Sclerurus mexicanus
Sclater, 1857

The tawny-throated leaftosser (Sclerurus mexicanus) is a tropical American bird species in the ovenbird family Furnariidae. It is also known as the tawny-throated leafscraper, Mexican leaftosser or Mexican leafscraper. This bird might be a cryptic species complex.

This roughly thrush-sized bird measures 15–17 cm in length and weighs 24–30 g. Its coloration is quite uniformly a rich chestnut brown. The tail is darker, the breast, rump and head are lighter and tinged rufous, though the crown and cheek region are as dark as the body, with some greyish hue to the cheeks. Its iris is dusky brown, the feet are blackish brown. The bill is very long and thin, perhaps by proportion the longest and thinnest of all Furnariidae. It is blackish brown above, and whitish, horn-colored or dark grey below; the tip is black.

Males and females look alike. Young birds are duller, with light streaks and dusky scaling on throat and breast.

The song of the tawny-throated leaftosser is a series of 4–9 wheezy notes which descend, accelerate and fade out as they are given: peeeeee-peeeee-peeee-chrrrr. For some populations, slightly different songs have been described; subspecies pullus produces a series of sharp squee calls or a whistling pseeer-pseer-pseer-psee-pse, while subspecies peruvianus has a series of clear suweet whistles and its song often ends in a trill. It is not clear whether these vocalizations indicate specific distinctiveness, but it is notable that at least in peruvianus the song often ends with a "flourish" and does not quietly fade out as it does in the northern populations.

The alarm call is a sharp chick, squee, tseeéét or zick.

The short-billed leaftosser (S. rufigularis) is widely sympatric in the Amazonas basin. It looks almost alike but it has a shorter bill and its song, while structured similarly, changes in pitch several times through its course rather than simply descending. It is also an inhabitant of terra firme forest near rivers, whereas the tawny-throated leaftosser prefers hilly terrain.

