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King of Hanthawaddy
Reign 1526–1539
Predecessor Binnya Ran II
Successor Smim Sawhtut
Born 1511
Died 1539 (aged 27)
House Wareru
Father Binnya Ran II
Religion Theravada Buddhism

Thushin Takayutpi (သုရှင်တကာရွတ်ပိ, pronounced: [θṵʃɪ̀ɴ dəɡàjʊʔpḭ], or Takayutpi တကာရွတ်ပိ; 1511–1539) was the 18th king of the Hanthawaddy Pegu Kingdom in Burma from 1526 to 1539. At his accession, the 15-year-old inherited the most prosperous and powerful kingdom of all post-Pagan kingdoms. But he never had control of his vassals who scarcely acknowledged him. A dozen years later, due to the young king's inexperience and mismanagement, the Mon-speaking kingdom founded in 1287 fell to a smaller Toungoo.

Takayutpi was the eldest son of King Binnya Ran II of Hanthawaddy. He was only about 15 when he succeeded his father. Unlike his father, considered one of ablest kings of the coastal kingdom, the young king never took an interest in running the kingdom. He "never looked at a book; he gave himself up for sport in the woods with elephants and horses; he searched for shellfish and crabs; he was like one witless". He was not respected by his vassals. His brother-in-law Saw Binnya ruled the province of Martaban (Mottama) like a sovereign.

Takayutpi's weak leadership gave an opening to Toungoo's ambitious king Tabinshwehti and his deputy Gen. Bayinnaung. Beginning in 1534, Toungoo began annual dry-season raids into Hanthawaddy territory. Saw Binnya did not send any help to Takayutpi. Toungoo could not make headway against Pegu's fortified defenses led by two experienced ministers (Binnya Law and Binnya Kyan) and aided by foreign mercenaries with guns. By 1537, Peguan defenses had successfully repulsed Toungoo's three consecutive annual invasions. Unable to break Peguan defenses, Toungoo finally used a stratagem to create a split in the Hanthawaddy camp. Takayutpi foolishly believed Toungoo's misinformation about the loyalty of the two ministers, who had been his tutors since childhood and were absolutely devoted to him, and executed them.

