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Swedish national road

Swedish national road (Riksväg; literally: road of the rike/realm), are roads with road numbers from 1 through 99 in Sweden. The national roads are usually of high quality and sometimes pass through several counties. Roads with lower numbers are in southern Sweden, and roads with higher numbers are in northern Sweden. There are many cases where two or more routes in this system share the same physical road for a considerable distance, giving the country several kilometers of double-numbered road.

The network of national roads covers all of Sweden, and has a total length of 8,769 km (5,449 mi) (not including E-roads. The figure is shorter than before, since road 45 is now E45). The only county that does not have a riksväg is Gotland County. The national roads are public roads owned by the Government of Sweden and administered by the Swedish Transport Administration. They get a high priority for snow plowing during the winter.

The roads' number signs are rectangular with a blue background, white numbers, and a white border.

As of February 2008, Sweden has 59 national roads.

These are the Swedish national roads that existed before the large restructuring that happened when the European routes were implemented in 1962 in Sweden.

