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Suspended game

A suspended game in Major League Baseball occurs when a game has to be stopped before it can be completed. When a game is suspended, the game is to be completed at a later time or date.

Major League Baseball Rule 7.02 (4.12) Suspended, Postponed, and Tie describes, in detail, the circumstances under which a game may be suspended. In general, the circumstances are these:

The rule goes on to describe special circumstances in which National Association (Minor League Baseball) leagues may suspend games.

The rule also goes on to describe when the game can or must be resumed. Typically, it is to be resumed right before the next scheduled single game of the two clubs, or preceding a doubleheader if there are no single games left on the schedule.

Originally the ability to start and/or continue a baseball game was determined almost entirely by weather, and in fact the rule states that if there are several factors in play, weather overrides the others.

Before artificial lighting was available, games that ran out of sunlight or clear skies were simply called, resulting in ties. There were tied games in three different early World Series (1907, 1912, 1922) as well as some of the 19th Century Series. Called games that ended in ties were simply replayed, if necessary, as with those three World Series games, as well as a regular-season game in 1908 which was declared a tie because the fans had run onto the field toward the exit gates, thinking the Giants had won the game. This was a common practice at game's end at the Polo Grounds. The game was replayed at the end of the season and became essentially a one-game playoff.

Another famous example would be the 26-inning, 1-1 tie game of May 1, 1920, between the Brooklyn Robins (a.k.a. Dodgers) and the Boston Braves at Braves Field. Under the current rule, the game would have been resumed the next time the two teams were scheduled to meet. The longest professional baseball game, a minor league game in Rhode Island, was suspended (on agreement of all parties), rather than ending in a tie, after the 32nd inning. The resumed game, with everyone rested, ended one inning later.

