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Supreme Audit Court of Iran

The Supreme Audit Court of Iran (SAC) is a government agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Located in Tehran, it is supervised by the Iranian Parliament and dates back to 1906.

Articles 54 and 55 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran define the objectives and responsibilities of SAC, the most important duty of the organization being the preparation of the government's Budget Liquidation Report, as specified by article 55 of the Constitution.

The state body is tasked with controlling "financial operations and activities of all ministries, institutions, government companies and other organizations which in any manner whatsoever benefit from the state budget."

Since 2010, SAC has been charged with supervising the Iranian Economic Reform Plan. SAC also monitors the Oil Ministry’s deposits into the state treasury on a monthly basis. It is also in charge of the supervision of the National Development Fund.

In May 2009, SAC reported that 1 billion was missing from Oil Stabilization Fund. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the issue of the 'missing' $1 billion from the country's currency reserve fund is in fact an "accounting error." However, the claim prompted a firm response from SAC which rejected any talks of "accounting errors" and rebuked the government for providing "insufficient answers" in the case of the missing $1.058 billion oil money.

SAC defended both methodology and accuracy of its work and revealed that there had been 1463 cases of infractions regarding the country's 2007-2008 budget. According to SAC's report, illegal payments to some government officials accounted for a large part of the infractions while there were also cases in which the government had acted against the articles of the budget law.

