SuperBob is a British 2015 low-budget comedy film about a Peckham postman who develops superpowers after having been hit by a meteorite. The film premiered in London on 16 October 2015, after having first been shown at the London Comedy Film Festival in January 2015 and the San Diego Film Festival in early October 2015.
In 2008, an asteroid breaks into fragments under Jupiter's gravity, with one of the fragments landing in the Peckham district of London and hitting a man called Robert 'Bob' Kenner; a mild-mannered and socially awkward postman. Gaining Superman-like powers as a result of the meteorite, Bob initially tries to learn how to use his new powers alone - prompting media reports of a 'flying man' - but later hands himself in after an incident involving him crashing into the Shard. Eventually trained by the Ministry of Defence in using his powers, Bob (now known as 'SuperBob') becomes the world's first superhero, working for the MOD and the British Government as a 'civil servant'.
6 years later, Bob's boss Teresa Ford authorizes the creation of a documentary to show the public that SuperBob is a 'normal guy', as SuperBob's popularity is mixed with common complaints including his simplistic personality and him needing the people he rescues to sign several forms for the MOD. Bob himself is still living in Peckham with his mandatory security guard Barry and his cleaner Dorris - who also works at the care home where Bob's mother lives and is trying to raise money for a nursery in Colombia. Bob explains to the camera crew that he gets a day off from work every Tuesday and reveals that he's going out for his first date in 6 years with a librarian called June.
While shopping for clothes with Dorris for his date, Bob receives an emergency call from Teresa telling him to come in for a meeting; arguing with Dorris after she points out he may miss his date with June. The meeting is a preparation for Bob to shake hands with American senator Bill Jackson, who is in London for the MOD Weapons Summit and who sees SuperBob as a 'dangerous weapon that Britain doesn't have control over' (although this is mostly part of a smear campaign after America failed to poach Bob from the UK a year previously). However, after talking to June and following Doris' advice, Bob finally stands up to Teresa and leaves to go on his date but is called away to the care home after his mother has an accident, with a misunderstanding causing Bob's mum (who has short-term memory loss) to think that he and Doris are now dating.