Studio Filmów Rysunkowych (Animated Film Studio) is a Polish animation studio based in Bielsku-Białej. It is best known for animating Polish cartoons of Bolek and Lolek and Reksio.
It was founded in 1947 by brothers Zdzisława and Macieja Lachura with Władysława Nehrebeckiego, Leszek Lorek, Alfreda Ledwiga, Mieczysława Poznańskiego, Aleksandra Rohozińskiego, Wiktora Sakowicza, Rufina Struzika and Wacława Wajsera. The studio was established on September 1, 1947, as Eksperymentalne Studio Filmów Rysunkowych (Experimental Animated Film Studio) operating at the office of "Trybuny Robotniczej" (Worker's Tribune newspaper). In 1948, the studio moved to Wisła, and then to Bielska.