In Finland the higher education system comprises two parallel sectors: universities and universities of applied sciences (polytechnics). Universities are characterised by scientific research and the highest education based thereon. Universities of applied sciences are oriented towards working life and base their operations on the high vocational skill requirements set by it.
Every university has a students' union (In Finnish, ylioppilaskunta and in Swedish, studentkår). Membership is mandatory by law for all students studying for a master's or bachelor's degree. A student union may also grant membership to other students of the university. Visiting (non-degree) students are ineligible to join a student union. The student unions are based on a parliamentary model, the general assembly (varying from 20 to 60 members) elected every second year using an open list election. The student union is autonomous, its internal life organised by its by-laws. The student unions are considered a part of Finnish administration, however, and their decisions can be appealed against to administrative courts. In such case, the claimant must prove that the decision has violated the law or by-laws.
The student unions are responsible for all representation of the students and elect the student members of different administrative organs, including the board of the university. According to the law, there must be student representation in every administrative body of the university. The student unions are also responsible for the health care of the students and usually coordinate and finance the activities of smaller, more specialized student organizations. For the financing of their activities, the student unions exact a membership fee and engage in different businesses. Differences in the scale of such businesses are mirrored in the fees exacted by the student unions. Generally, the older universities have wealthier student unions. For example, at Helsinki University of Technology, the student union owns and governs the dormitory village on the campus and rents some of their properties to the university itself, while the Student Union of the University of Helsinki owns several buildings in the very centre of the Helsinki city and has assets of more than 0.5 billion euros.
The university student unions organise extra curriculum activities, such as parties, sports events and access to sports facilities. They own a large number of cafeteria chains and even a multinational travel agency. Nearly all student unions publish one or more magazines, and some larger student unions offer nursing services for mothers while they go to the lectures. They are also a very active political power, commenting anything from municipal plans to national abortion laws. Student unions have organised demonstrations with up to 100,000 demonstrators and also run campaigns to affect the national and local politics during the elections. The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) pushed meal support into legislation in the 1970s, which nowadays provides all higher education students meals costing only €2.60, not depending in the chain where one eats at. SYL also was able to negotiate even up to a 50% discount on public transportation for the students.