A student number is the identification number assigned to a student upon first entering or registering with an educational institution and is used to identify the student in lieu of a name for grades, essays, projects, exams and official documents.
At Austrian public universities, students are assigned a unique eight-digit ID number known as Matrikelnummer when they enrol in any course of studies for the first time. A student retains his or her number when he or she enrolls in a different subject or switches the university altogether. Even when someone is not enrolled in any study program for many years, he or she retains it.
The Matrikelnummer has the following format:
Students in Croatia are assigned a Unique Master Academic Citizen Number (Croatian: Jedinstveni matični broj akademskog građana, abbreviated JMBAG) upon their first enrollment on a Croatian university. The JMBAG is a 10-digit code assigned using the following system:
When a student is assigned a JMBAG number, he is also issued an Xica card by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
HESA, the Higher Education Statistics Agency, assigns a unique number to students. Many universities have their own system of student numbering.
All students are assigned a University Student Number (USN), e.g. 200112345 [1].
All students and staff are also issued with a Common Registration Service identifier (CRSid) by the University Computing Service, which is generated from the person's initials followed by one or more digits and is up to seven characters long: for example, spqr2.
Newly issued CRSids are at least five characters long, with between two and six initials followed by a number (increasing with each person sharing the given initials) of at least one digit, the first of which is not 1 in order to avoid confusion with the letter L. Earlier schemes used different rules to determine the number, and some early CRSids had no number.