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List of universities in Austria

The system on higher education in Austria distinguishes between federal universities (Universitäten), private universities (Privatuniversitäten) and universities of applied science (Fachhochschulen). The three types are based on different laws. One of the main differences (but not the only) is funding. Two institutions in Lower Austria have a special legal status.

List of universities in Austria:

Private university:

University of applied science:

Federal university:

University of applied science:

University for continuing education:

Private universities:

Universities of applied science:

Not a university, but an institute with PhD programmes:

Federal universities:

Private universities:

University of applied sciences:

Federal universities:

Universities of applied science:

Federal universities:

Private university:

Universities of applied science:

Federal universities:

Private universities:

University of Applied Sciences

Federal universities:

Private universities:

Universities of Applied Sciences:

University of Applied Sciences:

