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Stanley Howler

This article contains brief biographies for characters from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. This list consists of human characters. For biographies of noted members of the Discworld's "ethnic minorities" (Dwarfs, trolls, Undead, etc.), see the specific articles for those races. Some character biographies are also listed in articles relating to the organisations they belong to. For further Discworld character biographies, see the table below.

Characters are listed alphabetically by name.

See: Necrotelecomnicon

The daughter of Robert Dearheart, founder of the Grand Trunk Semaphore Company, and sister of the murdered John Dearheart, Adora Belle Dearheart (featured in Going Postal, Making Money and Raising Steam) is cynical, angry, and a heavy smoker (so memorably heavy that Moist, needing to find her, considered looking for a large plume of smoke coming from houses in the area, but ultimately asked a tobacconist), although it is also noted that she looks extremely good in a very plain gray dress. In the past, the conman Reacher Gilt had conned the Dearhearts out of their interest in the Trunk, which led to Miss Dearheart's having to take other employment. Previously, she worked in a bank. She lost her employment when Moist (before he knew her) conned the bank and got her fired. She later became involved in the Golem Trust. The trust is an employment service in Ankh-Morpork, owned by the Free Golems, that serves as a means to procure money to free more golems.

During the events of Going Postal, she begins a tentative relationship with Moist von Lipwig, who is madly in love with her, mainly because she is the only person who does not easily fall for his tricks and is therefore a challenge. The fact that Lipwig helped return the clacks to the Dearhearts in a unique moment of selflessness has helped the relationship and by the time of Making Money they have become engaged. Miss Dearheart can see through most of Lipwig's tricks but he sometimes succeeds in amazing her. Of course in those cases he often succeeds in amazing himself as well. Moist's nickname for her is "Spike", no doubt a reference to her reaction when anyone thanks her politely for not smoking. (Miss Dearheart wears what she claims are "the pointiest heels in the world" and took ballet lessons in her youth. Such requests, or other unwelcome advances, are usually met by a demonstration of these facts.) The nickname given by her deceased brother was the more to the point: "Killer".

