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Stanley Grenz

Stanley James Grenz (January 7, 1950 in Alpena, Michigan – March 12, 2005 in St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver) was an American Christian theologian and ethicist in the Baptist tradition.

Grenz graduated from the University of Colorado in 1973. He then earned a M.Div. from Denver Seminary in 1976. Grenz earned his Doctor of Theology degree at University of Munich in Germany under the supervision of theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg. He was ordained to pastoral ministry on June 13, 1976. He later worked within the local church context as youth director and assistant pastor (Northwest Baptist Church, Denver, Colorado, 1971–1976), pastor (Rowandale Baptist Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba 1979–1981), and interim pastor on several occasions. He served on many Baptist boards and agencies and also as a consulting editor of Christianity Today.

While in the pastorate (1979–1981), Grenz taught courses both at the University of Winnipeg and at Winnipeg Theological Seminary (now Providence Seminary). He served as Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics at the North American Baptist Seminary, Sioux Falls, South Dakota from 1981–1990.

For twelve years (1990–2002), Grenz held the position of Pioneer McDonald Professor of Baptist Heritage, Theology and Ethics at Carey Theological College and at Regent College in Vancouver. After a one-year sojourn as Distinguished Professor of Theology at Baylor University and George W. Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas (2002–2003), he returned to Carey in August 2003 to resume his duties as Pioneer McDonald Professor of Theology.

