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Stanisław Sołtyk

Stanisław Sołtyk (December 12, 1753 – June 4, 1831) was a Polish nobleman (szlachcic), political activist, landowner, father of Roman Sołtyk.

Stanisław was born in Krysk near Płońsk. He became Royal chamberlain in 1780, Great Podstoli of the Crown in 1784. He was a strong supporter of reforms in the Republic. He participated in the Great Sejm in 1788–1792 as representative of the Kraków Voivodeship for the second time. He was a member of the "Radziwill Club", which prepared the passing of the Constitution of May 3, 1791 by the Sejm. After the adoption of the Constitution, he became member and co-founder of the "Assembly of Friends of the May 3 Constitution". Reportedly, he was the last known inhabitant of the Krzyżtopór castle complex, living there in the years 1782-1787.

He participated in the preparation of the Kościuszko Uprising, but did not partake in any armed struggles. He was sent with a secret diplomatic mission to the royal court in Vienna, but was arrested by the Austrian authorities. During the partition of Poland, he supported and was involved in conspiratorial activities of the independence movements.

After the fall of the Republic he went into retirement on his estates in Chlewisko near Radom. He became busy with producing agrarian and metallurgical products and soon became one of the major industrialists in Poland. He took part in the cultural life of Warsaw and organized meetings of artists and writers. In 1800 he founded the "Society of Friends of Science". Together with Tadeusz Czacki and others, he founded the "Trade Society" in 1802.

