St. Sukie de la Croix (born Darryl Michael Vincent, September 16, 1951) is a writer and photographer. He is most widely known for his 2012 book Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall. His works have explored the underground cultures and aspects of Chicago's LGBT community dating back to the 1670s. He has had several columns in Chicago publications, both in print and online: Outlines (now Windy City Times), Nightspots, Chicago Now, and Chicago Free Press.
De la Croix was approached by Chicago's municipal tourism authority to script and conduct the first "LGBT History of Chicago" bus tour. He had two plays, A White Light in God's Choir (2005), and Two Weeks in a Bus Shelter with an Iguana (2006), performed by Chicago's Irreverence Dance & Theatre company. In 2008, he participated as a historian in a PBS television documentary, Out and Proud in Chicago. He has spoken for organizations such as Boeing, Chubb Insurance, and Horizons Gay Youth Services.
In 2011, de la Croix was honored with an Esteem Award for Outstanding Magazine Reporter or Columnist. In November 2012, he was inducted into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame.
St. Sukie de la Croix was born in Bath, Somerset, as Darryl Michael Vincent, to a poor family. His father Stanley Reginald was a truck driver while his gypsy mother Doreen Mary worked in an engineering factory. He was an only child and grew up an hour away from Stonehenge in a community populated by many pagans and gypsies. Due to his community and socialist parents, De la Croix was not raised to follow a specific religion. When asked what he considers to be his religion his response is that he's pagan. However, he makes a note to point out that he doesn't care to abide by a label as most Americans tend to.
De la Croix attended Westhill Boys School until the age of 16. During his time in school he felt odd and out of place. He was able to find comfort in books later realizing he didn't want to fit in. He lived in a "vacuum of [his] own making". Unable to advance to university, he began to work.
In 1971, de la Croix married Frances, his wife of 12 years. He was open to his wife and other about his bisexuality before and during the marriage. They had two children together, Lucy Anna Marie and Daniel Jon. He also has four grandchildren from his daughter.