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St. Edmund's School, Shillong

St. Edmund's School, Shillong is an all-boys institution of the Roman Catholic Church affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, (ICSE) New Delhi, India. The school is situated in the neighbourhood of Laitumkhrah Shillong.

The school was established by the Congregation of Christian Brothers (India province) in Laitumkhrah, Shillong in 1916. The school is located in Laitumkhrah, Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya State. Set amongst the lush temperate forests of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills with its many waterfalls, Shillong was known as Scotland of the East during the British colonial period. The brotherhood was founded by Blessed Edmund Rice. The Christian Brothers were invited to Shillong in 1915 and St. Edmund’s College was begun in 1916. It was, however, in 1923 that the College was ready to start Inter-Arts and Inter-Science classes, and affiliation to the University of Calcutta, for these courses was received in 1923. The first classes of the University section of St. Edmund’s College opened in 1924. Bro. J. E. McCann was the first Principal of the College (he was also the Principal of the School at this time). Bro. I. O’Leary was the first Principal of the College (separate from the School).

From 1924 to 1936, St. Edmund’s College was junior college for Intermediate Arts and Science. At this level the college offered English, Alternative English, Latin, History, Maths, Geography, Physical Chemistry for arts and science respectively.

The College celebrated its Platinum Jubilee in 1999. St.Edmund's School celebrated its centenary celebrations by starting with the opening ceremony on the 5th of June 2015 and its closing ceremony on the same date in 2016

Creation Week is a week-long extravaganza where students are provided a platform for displaying their non-curriculum talents. Students from other schools are invited to participate as guest viewers for the week. The students display their talent in debates, extempore speeches, declamations, dances, spelling bee, skits, dramas, quizzes, dumbcharades to individual talent displays like solo singing, solo musical performance and poetry."

Annual Sports

