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Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry

The Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) is a Spanish scientific society dedicated to the development and dissemination of chemistry, in its aspect of pure science and in its applications. It originated in 1980 after the split of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics and Chemistry which itself was founded in 1903.

The purpose of the RSEQ is "to facilitate the advancement and improvement of scientific activity, teaching, research and professional in the field of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering."

The RSEQ is a member of EuCheMS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences), a non-profit organization founded in 1970 that promotes cooperation between scientific societies and European techniques in the field of chemistry.

Although the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) emerged in 1980, its history dates back to 1903, the year of the founding of the Spanish Society of Physics and Chemistry (SEFQ) and soon began publishing the journal Annals of the Spanish Society Physics and Chemistry. The number of members was 263 in the first year, professionals experimental sciences, primarily engaged in the field of chemistry.

In the 1920s, after major development and internationalization, the company incorporated at the IUPAC. In 1928, to mark the 25th anniversary of its founding, the company was honored by King Alfonso XIII with the name Royal Spanish Society of Physics and Chemistry. From this date forward, it created local branches (Sevilla, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia) and hold biennial meetings of the Society.

In 1934, the Royal Society organized the IX International Congress of Chemistry in Madrid, attended by 1,500 chemists in all countries. At that time, the Society already had about 1400 members. After the interruption of the Spanish Civil War and its disastrous consequences, the society began to reach new heights, especially from the 60s onward, as a result of the developing policies of the time.

In the 70 territorial sections are consolidated specialized groups, such as Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (created in 1967), and Adsorption (created in 1978). At the end of the decade it was decided to divide the society into two independent branches, the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) and Physics (RSEF). Successors of the work of the parent company held their biennial meeting in Burgos, 29 September to 3 October 1980.

