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Souvigny Priory

Souvigny Priory (French: Prieuré Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Souvigny, Prieuré Saint-Mayeul de Souvigny), in the commune of Souvigny, Allier, France, in the centre of the old province of the Bourbonnais, was formerly a Cluniac priory, of which the church remains in operation.

In the 10th century Aymar sire de Bourbon gave land in Souvigny to Cluny Abbey for the construction of a monastery. Some years later, two distinguished abbots of Cluny, Mayeul of Cluny and Odilo of Cluny (Odilon de Mercoeur), came here to die, one after the other, and were buried here. This made the priory a place of pilgrimage: even Hugh Capet, King of France, came here in 994 after the death of Mayeul. The church was rebuilt to accommodate the increasing numbers of worshippers, on the model of Cluny III, including two transepts, a choir with an ambulatory, and three towers. The Dukes of Bourbon made it their place of burial. Many chapels were added, and the upper parts of the church were rebuilt, with cross vaults.

In 1097, Pope Urban II passed through Souvigny and while he was there confirmed by a Papal bull the possession of the church of Marigny to Bernard, fourth prior. This possession was confirmed again by a bull of Pope Eugene III dated 29 February 1152. In 1393, the provincial visitors instructed the prior to oblige the chantry to instruct children.

