The Solidaires or Solidaires Unitaires Démocratiques (SUD) is a French group of trade unions.
They tend to favor progressive or even radical views and work with the alter-globalization or anti-globalization movement.
The Group of 10 and the SUD Unions are part of the European Social Forum and the World Social Forum.
Most of the SUD trade-union practice a syndicalism of struggle (syndicalisme de lutte), like factions of the CGT, FO and the CNT. That places it in opposition to the reformist or negotiation unions: the CFDT, Confédération Française des Travailleurs Chrétiens (CFTC), CFE-CGC and Union nationale des syndicats autonomes (UNSA).
Many members of SUD are also members of the New Anticapitalist Party, but there are also communist, socialist, ecologist, and anarchist sympathizers within the union.
The Group of 10 was created in 1981 by autonomous unions, such as the SNUI, or the SNJ, organizing journalists.
Most of these were unions who had refused to choose a side in the 1946 split between the reformist Workers' Force and the communist CGT.